lundi 18 septembre 2023

Delphine Antoine-Mahut et Anik Waldow (dir.) : Condillac and his Reception. On the origin and Nature of Human Abilities

Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy - Octobre 2023

This volume explores the philosophy of Étienne Bonnot de Condillac. It presents, for the firsttime, English-language essays on Condillac’s philosophy, making the complexity and sophistication of his arguments and their influence on early modern philosophy accessible toa wider readership. Condillac’s reflections on the origin and nature of human abilities, such as the ability to reason,reflect and use language, took philosophy in distinctly new directions. This volume showcases the diversity of themes and methods inspired by Condillac’s work. The cha pters are dividedinto four thematic sections. Part 1 traces connections between Condillac and hiscontemporaries to understand the context in which themes and discussions central to Condillac’s own philosophical thinking evolved. Part 2 focuses on the different ways in which Condillac’s philosophy was taken up, challenged, and further developed in nineteenth-centuryFrance, before moving in Part 3 to the discussion of thinkers outside of France. Finally, Part 4looks at the contemporary applications of Condillac’s philosophy in a variety of different fields, such as phenomenology, psychology, and psychopathology. Condillac and His Reception will appeal to scholars and advanced students working on earlymodern philosophy, history of science and intellectual history.

Table of contents

1. Introduction: Condillac and Us
Delphine Antoine-Mahut and Anik Waldow

Part 1: Condillac and His Intellectual Context

2. The Materialists (Diderot, La Mettrie, Deschamps) and Condillac’s Theory ofKnowledge
Guillaume Coissard
3. Condillac and the Molyneux Problem
Peter Anstey
4. Reinventing Newtonianism: Hypotheses, Systems and Attraction in Condillac
5. Languages of Action, Methodological Signs and Deafness: The Reception of Condillac by the
Abbé de L’Épée—
or was It the Other Way Around?
Marion Chottin

Part 2: Condillac’s Reception in Nineteenth-Century France

6. Condillac Restored: The Paradox of Attention in Pierre Laromiguière’s Lessons onPhilosophy (1815)
Pierre Brouiller
7. Madness and Ideologist Philosophy of the Mind: Pinel and Condillac on the Dualism ofUnderstanding and Will
Samuel Lézé
8. “The Only, the True French Metaphysician of the Eighteenth Century:” Condillac, Cousinand the “French School”
Delphine Antoine-Mahut
9. Condillac’s Puerile Reveries: The Reception of Condillac in Phrenology and in the Philosophy
of Auguste Comte
Laurent Clauzade

Part 3: Condillac’s Influence Beyond France
10. Between Debate and Reception: Formey Reads Condillac
Angela Ferraro
11. Rethinking the Human Animal with Condillac and Herder
Anik Waldow
12. The Reception of Condillac in Argentina: From the Nineteenth-Century Professorsof idéologieto José Ingenieros
Silvia Manzo

Part 4: Contemporary Receptions
13. Time, Order and the Human Interior: Paths towards Condillac
Christopher Goodey
14. Representations of the Body and Self-Knowledge: Condillac’s Treatise on Sensations and Contemporary Naturalistic Psychology
Aliènor Bertrand
15. Reductions and Radicalisation of Reductions: Condillac, Michel Henry and Maine deBiran
Anne Devarieux

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